Sunday, September 30, 2012

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Friday, August 31, 2012

O my God this what the World need NOW, True Freedom Society video speech watch it here

[August 14] Mr. Kook Jin Moon Chairman, Tongil Foundation Freedom Society-A vision for building God's Ideal World20120814-Mr. Kook Jin Moon Speaks in NY on the Freedom Society on Vimeo: "

20120814-Mr. Kook Jin Moon Speaks in NY on the Freedom Society
by Tongil PLUS 1 week ago
[August 14] Mr. Kook Jin Moon Chairman, Tongil Foundation Freedom Society-A vision for building God's Ideal World"

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

College of Europe - Development Office - News & Events

Professional Training on EU Affairs - 2012 Catalogue now available!

Place: College of Europe - Bruges Campus & Brussels
In 2012, our portfolio of training courses has widen substantially, following the latest trends in EU Affairs. Our faculty of dedicated trainers will guide you through an intensive learning experience in one of the world's leading institutions in EU postgraduate studies. Interested in upgrading your knowledge on EU Diplomacy or Trade Policy? Motivated by a dive into the world of EU Law or Competition Law? Then, we have just the right solution for you!
Thanks to the possibilities opened up by the application of new technologies in education, the College has also developed a set of 7 e-Learning Modules. Have a look at our full training catalogue to find out the training that perfectly matches your expectations!


ENP Regional project: Preparing staff for EU-ENP related jobs  - Module 1: EU Institutions

Date: 23-25 April 2012
Place: Bruges & Brussels
On 23 - 25 April, the Development Office of the College of Europe organises the second training seminar on EU Institutions and EU decision-making process for 40 public administration officials coming from various ENP countries. The seminar is held at the College of Europe Verversdijk premises in Bruges.
In the framework of the ENP regional project "Preparing staff for EU-ENP related jobs", during the next two years a total of 12 training seminars will be organised and delivered by the College of Europe in its two campuses in Bruges, Belgium and Natolin, Poland.
The aim of the project is to train officials working for various ministries and services dealing with the EU in the 16 ENP countries: Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestinian Authorities, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine.
For more information:


Southeast Europe and the EU – Leadership Development Programme, Closing Seminar

Date: 21-26 April 2012
Place: Bruges & Brussels
The College of Europe, in partnership with the European Fund for the Balkans (Belgrade) and the TRANSFUSE Association (Berlin), is organizing a five-day seminar in the framework of an academic programme entitled ‘Southeast Europe and the EU – Leadership Development Programme’.
This one-year programme has been running since September 2006 and is aiming to provide talented and qualified young professionals from the region with supplementary insights of EU affairs and an opportunity to discuss the issues that concern them with their counterparts from the rest of Europe. The programme, financed by the European Fund for the Balkans, is attended by 29 bright university graduates, aged between 21 and 26, from Southeast European countries, as well as broader Europe.
The group will be visiting Bruges and Brussels from 21 to 26 April 2012. The programme combines sessions in the College of Europe and discussions with a number of officials from the EU institutions and NATO, as well as high-level speakers from Brussels-based think tanks. All the participants have previous sound knowledge of the EU, its institutions and major policies.


Formation de jeunes diplomates de l’Institut diplomatique et des Relations internationales d’Alger

Dates: 10-14 avril 2012
Lieu: Bruges & Bruxelles
Du 10 au 14 avril, le Service de Développement du Collège d'Europe organise une formation d’une semaine pour les futurs diplômés de l’Institut diplomatique et des Relations internationales d’Alger (IDRI).
La formation proposée a pour but d’apporter des connaissances sur le fonctionnement de l’Union européenne aux jeunes diplomates.
Cette formation consistera à donner aux futurs diplômés de l’IDRI une approche pratique de l’UE:
    - la présentation des institutions de l’Union européenne en mettant l’accent sur les institutions chargées des relations extérieures;
  • - la définition des compétences de l’Union européenne concernant les relations extérieures;
  • - la description des processus décisionnels en matière de relations extérieures;
  • - le rôle de la diplomatie européenne dans les négociations internationales;
  • - l’historique de la relation Algérie – Union européenne: de la Politique méditerranéenne rénovée au processus de Barcelone et à l’Accord d’association;
  • - les derniers développements de la mise en œuvre de l’Accord d’association;
  • - les enjeux de la coopération entre l’Algérie et l’Union européenne;
  • - les aspects théoriques et pratiques des négociations dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre d’accords d’association.


Tailored training for UNDP High Level Officials

Date: 5-7 March 2012
Place: Bruges
From 5 to 7 March, the Development Office of the College of Europe organises a three-day training on “EU accession challenges and the EU acquis”. Resident Representatives and Deputy Resident Representatives from the UNDP Country Offices in the Western Balkans and Turkey, as well as from the UNDP Brussels Office and Headquarters in New York are taking part in this tailored course.
The training aims at bringing further knowledge of the EU enlargement process and of a few selected EU Acquis Chapters, for the participants to reflect how UNDP and other international organizations may support this process. Jacques Rupnik will present the enlargement challenges and analyse the current thinking on the enlargement policy, and his session will be followed by a workshop on the current economic/financial crisis in Europe and its possible implications on enlargement. This first training day will be rounded-off with a discussion on Croatia’s experience with accession.
As of the second day, participants will be focussing on the following five chapters of the “acquis communautaire”, to better understand the points under discussion when it comes to the Western Balkans and Turkey on their way to the EU:
  • Chapter 11 – Agriculture & Rural Development;
  • Chapter 19 – Social & Employment Policy;
  • Chapter 22 – Regional Policy & Coordination of Structural Instruments;
  • Chapter 23 – Rule of Law;
  • Chapter 27 – Environment.
Three College of Europe Alumni are among the participants, namely Mr. Alessandro Fracassetti from Walter Hallstein promotion (1995-1996), Mr Thomas Dedeurwaerdere from the Hendrik Brugmans promotion (1997-1998), and Ms Claire Medina from the Simon Stevin promotion (2001-2002), and they kindly offered to informally meet the current students interested in career opportunities (on Tuesday 6 March from 7pm).


FWC Commission 2011 - Lot 2: Communication and Training, Two New Projects Awarded.

As part of a consortium led by JCP srl in the framework of the FWC Commission 2011, Lot 2, the Development Office has been awarded 2 short-term projects in the field of education and governance: Education Fairs in Russia and Training and Guidance Documents within the area of Justice and Rule of Law for DG DEVCO.
The first project is about the organisation of Education Fairs and Information Sessions for EU funded education programmes in three regions in Russia, namely Kazan, Rostov-on-Don and Novosibirsk. The fairs will take place in 2012 between March and September. In close cooperation with the EU Delegation of Moscow, the Development Office is responsible for the organisation, implementation and follow up of these events.
Through a second project awarded in the framework of this contract, the College of Europe will provide Training and Guidance Documents in the area of Justice and Rule of Law for officials working in the EU Delegations. The Guidance Documents will compile findings and recommendations to improve the overall understanding of the challenges in supporting justice and security sector reforms. The accompanying Training Module will provide the participants with the tools to better understand the policy framework, good practices and recommendations within the area of Justice and Rule of Law.


Projet Région PEV: Préparer le personnel à des emplois liés à l'UE-PEV

Date: 28-30 novembre 2011
Lieu: College d'Europe Bruges Campus & Brussels
Du 28 au 30 novembre, le Service de Développement du Collège d'Europe organise le premier séminaire de formation aux institutions européennes et au processus de décision européen pour 37 fonctionnaires venant des pays couverts par la Politique de Voisinage. Le séminaire se déroule au Collège d'Europe, dans les locaux de Verversdijk à Bruges.
Dans le cadre du projet regional PEV "Préparer le personnel à des emplois liés à l'UE-PEV", un total de 12 séminaires seront organisés par le Collège d'Europe entre ses deux campus à Bruges (Belgique) et à Natolin (Pologne).
Le but de ce projet est de former des fonctionnaires travaillant pour divers ministères et venant des 16 pays couverts par la PEV : Algérie, Arménie, Azerbaïdjan, Biélorussie, Egypte, Géorgie, Jordanie, Israël, Liban, Libye, Moldavie, Maroc, Autorités Palestiniennes, Syrie, Tunisie et Ukraine.
Plus d'information sur notre site-web :

Training Catalogue 2012

Interested in training yourself in EU affairs? Why not choosing to register for a training in one of the most renowned post-graduate Institute in EU affairs? This year the programme includes our renowned Intensive Seminar on the EU, an advanced course in EU negotiations, a one week training on EU Project Management and hands-on EU Fact Finding workshops. Save your seat now and benefit from an early bird discount!


Training programme "Public Service and Innovative HR Technologies"

The Development Office organised a tailor-made training programme on "Public Service and Innovative HR Technologies" for a group of senior civil servants of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RAPA).

RAPA is the major training institution for professional training and retraining of Russian federal government employees.

The seminar took place at the College of Europe Verversdijk premises in Bruges, from 31 October to 8 November 2011, and counted with some field visits to various HR departments on Federal and Flemish level as well as to some EU institutions.


Find our new 2011 Training Programme leaflet online!

Interested in training yourself in EU affairs? Have a look at our new leaflet! It will give you a comprehensive overview of our EU professional trainings throughout the year. You will find all the necessary information to select the training that perfectly meets your needs and agenda!


2011 Training on EU Affairs: now open for registration!

Date: Summer & Autumn 2011
Place: College of Europe Bruges Campus & Brussels
Save your seat for our popular training programmes for professionals working in European affairs. The programme includes our renowned Intensive Seminar on the EU in the summer 2011, an advanced course in EU negotiations and hands-onEU Fact Finding workshops. In addition, some new programmes and formulas are planned. More information will soon be published here.
More information 

European professionals practice their negotiations skills

Date: 22-26 November 2010
Place: College of Europe Bruges Campus & Brussels
In this year's 'EU Negotiation in Practice Advanced Training Course’, 29 officials and professionals will learn how to become strategic negotiators in the EU and international environment. They will participate in hands-on sessions in Bruges and apply their acquired skills during a simulation exercise in Brussels. The course is now fully booked but the next editionwhich is scheduled to take place on 21-25 November 2011 is now open for registration.
More information and registration


40th academic journal published

The 40th edition of the the College of Europe's academic journal 'Collegium' is now available online. The publication is a summary of the 10th Colloquium on International Human Right Law from October 2009 entitled 'Armed Conflicts and Parties to Armed Conflicts under IHL: Confronting Legal Categories to Contemporary Realities'. It includes contributions from the Rector of the College of Europe, representatives from the International Committee of the Red Cross and other experts in Human Right Law. This edition has been edited by the Development Office of the College of Europe.
Download Collegium N°40

11th Colloquium on International Human Rights Law

Date: 21-22 October 2010
Place: College of Europe Bruges Campus
On 21-22 October the Development Office of the College of Europe and the International Committee of the Red Cross organise the 11th Colloquium on International Human Rights Law. The key question of this year’s Bruges Colloquium on International Humanitarian Law is 'What role do new technologies play in armed conflicts?'.
The Bruges Colloquium is a series of sessions designed to encourage an open exchange of views among experts and non-specialists interested in current developments in International Humanitarian Law.
It is open to invited participants only.

Autumn Training Seminars: EU Fact Finding & EU Negotiations in Practice

Date: 8 October & 22-26 November 2010
Place: College of Europe Bruges Campus & Brussels
This autumn we are back on track with two of our long-established training programmes on the European Union.
In the hands-on 'EU Fact Finding' workshop on 8 October 2010 participants learn how to quickly and efficiently find information about the EU online.The 'EU Negotiations in Practice' course on 22-26 November focuses on the theory and practice of EU negotiation processes including a simulation exercise. To find out more and to book one of the last remaining seats, please visit the following websites:
EU Negotiations in Practice
EU Fact Finding


Inauguration of first centre on international and EU port law

Date: 7 September 2010
Place: Castle of the Counts, Ghent
Portius – the world's first law centre with focus on international and EU port law opened on 7 September at the Castle of the Counts in Ghent. Mr. Jan De Mondt, Director of Administration and Finance and Acting Director of the Development Office of the College of Europe, delivered a speech on ‘The College of Europe’s maritime partnerships’. Portius is conceived as an independent educational institution, focussing on EU and International Port Law and aiming to bring together a network of Port authorities, practicing lawyers and academics.
More information (07/09/2010)


First Executive Training for the European External Action Service

Date: 30 August-3 September 2010; New registration deadline: 6 August 2010
Place: College of Europe Bruges Campus, Belgium
A new specialised training programme for national diplomats and European officials who are joining the European External Action Service (EEAS) will take place at the College of Europe premises in Bruges in the autumn. The one-week course covers the structure and main policy issues of the EEAS and features related, interactive workshops. In addition, participants will benefit from the opportunity to network, exchange experience and explore a new EEAS ‘esprit de corps’. The programme is organised by the College of Europe in cooperation with the Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’, the Centre for Political and Diplomatic Studies in Oxford and the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna. The new registration deadline is Friday, 6 August 2010. We offer a 10% discount for groups of 3 or more participants from the same institution/Directorate General.
More information (02/08/2010)

ESI Summer Seminar

Date: 30 August-10 September 2010
Place: College of Europe Bruges Campus, Belgium
25 Russian students from the European Studies Institute (ESI) at the MGIMO-University have been selected for the 4th ESI Summer Seminar organised by the Development Office. The students will participate in sessions on EU negotiations, visit the European Institutions in Brussels and Luxembourg, as well as the NATO Headquarters in Brussels and meet the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the EU.
More information (02/08/2010)


17th Intensive Seminar on the EU

Date: 28 June-16 July; 5-16 July; 5-9 July 2010
Place: College of Europe Bruges Campus & Brussels, Belgium
The 17th edition of our flagship programme will take place in the College of Europe Bruges campus in July. During one-, two- or three-week tailored programmes, participants will acquire in-depth knowledge and practical skills on EU decision-making and policies. The focus will be on latest developments at EU level including panel debates on the Lisbon Treaty, climate change and the new EU diplomacy. Lecturers from the College of Europe's network of experts and some70 professionals from all over the world will benefit from this truly European learning experience in Bruges and Brussels.
More information (18/06/2010)


Advanced training course for Central American journalists

Date: 20-25 June 2010
Place: College of Europe Bruges Campus & Brussels, Belgium
A group of 12 journalists sent by the Secretariat of Economic Integration of Central America (SIECA) will participate in a study visit on ‘Information and Communication in the European Union’ (Información y Comunicación en la Unión Europea) organised by the Development Office. The programme will be provided in Spanish.
The introductory courses taking place in Bruges will cover the European integration, the challenges of communicating the EU as well as journalistic training in various European countries. In the second part, participants will meet key communication actors in Brussels including representatives from the European Commission Spokesperson Service, the Audiovisual Services and Brussels-based journalists. Sessions by the Spanish Presidency, the Council of the EU and the Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce will round off the study trip. The programme is part of the ADAPCCA Programme to design and apply common Central American policies which is financed by the European Commission and coordinated and managed by SIECA.
More information (18/06/2010)

Enseigner l'Union européenne en français

Date: 18-25 June 2010
Place: College of Europe Bruges Campus, Belgium
Dans le cadre d'un projet Tempus (CD_JEP n° 26033-2005), le Service Développement organise un séminaire intensif "Enseigner l'Union européenne en français". Le séminaire est destiné à 21 professeurs de Français de l’Institut universitaire national des relations internationales de Moscou (MGIMO), de l’Université nationale de Saint-Pétersbourg et de l’Académie nationale de droit de Moscou. Le programme prévoit des cours sur le Traité de Lisbonne, le langage diplomatique et les outils de communication web 2.0, ainsi que des visites de travail aux principales institutions européennes.
Pour des plus amples informations (18/06/2010)


Training courses for Polish EU Presidency

Date: May-December 2010
Place: College of Europe Natolin Campus & Brussels, Belgium
The Development Office of the College of Europe in consortium with the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael and the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna has been successfully awarded the contract 'Specialized training on practical aspects of participation of Polish governmental administration in EU decision making process' to organise training courses for the Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU. Until January 2011, key lecturers of the College of Europe’s network will train Polish civil servants on EU negotiation techniques, interpersonal skills and management strategies. The courses will take place at the College of Europe Natolin Campus and in Brussels. (10/05/2010)

2nd SIECA seminar on the European Customs Union

Date: 3-12 May 2010
Place: College of Europe Bruges Campus & Brussels, Belgium
From 3 to 12 May, the Development Office organises a tailor-made training in Spanish targeted at 20 professionals from SIECA, the Secretariat of Economic Integration of Central America. During lectures and practical workshops at the College of Europe Bruges, the delegates will learn more about how customs work in the EU as well as the European Customs Union, integration, institutions, internal market and the European-Latin American relations.
In 2007, the Development Office organised a similar programme for SIECA with which it holds a long-term
cooperation partnership for training Centralamerican public administration officials in the field of taxation and customs. 
More information (19/04/2010)


Launch of the 5th Southeast Europe and the EU – Leadership Development Programme

Date: 2010-2011
Place: Europe
Young people from Southeast Europe and other European countries are invited to apply for the 5th Southeast Europe and the EU – Leadership Development Programme. 30 candidates will be selected for this one-year experience including a summer academy in Austria and Slovakia, the development of joint projects and a five-day seminar in Brussels and Bruges in spring 2011. The programme is financed through the European Fund for the Balkans and is organised by the Development Office of the College of Europe in cooperation with the TRANSFUSE Association. The deadline for applications is 9 May 2010.
Download information leaflet
More information (15/03/2010)

‘Balkan beyond Borders’ short film contest

Date: 13 March 2010
Place: Belgrade, Serbia
Young film producers interested in creatively expressing their ideas on regional cooperation in Southeast Europe are invited to participate in a short film contest ‘Balkan beyond Borders’. The winner of the competition will gain a price and will be invited to the final event in Belgrade on the 13 March 2010. The deadline for submissions is 1 March 2010.
The project is part of the Leadership Development Programme organised jointly by the Development Office of the College of Europe, the European Fund for the Balkans and the Transfuse Association.
More information (01/02/2010)


Vacancies at the Development Office

Date: 1-26 February 2010
Place: College of Europe Bruges Campus, Belgium
The Development Office is looking for a Project Manager and two Interns to support the EU affairs team. The deadline for applications is 26 February 2010.
More information (01/02/2010)

Introductory Seminar on International Humanitarian Law

Date: 15-17 February 2010
Place: College of Europe Bruges Campus, Belgium
The Development Office in cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) organises a 2,5-day seminar for students. The course will take place in Bruges and is open to College of Europe and other students currently attending a postgraduate programme in European Law/Politics in Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Interested students are invited to register by 9 February 2010 on the ICRC website.(15/01/2010)


Seminar on EU Terminology

Date: 29 January-5 February 2010
Place: College of Europe Bruges Campus & Brussels, Belgium
English teachers of the European Studies Institute at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) are invited to an in-depth linguistic and terminology training on the EU. The programme includes a visit to the EU interpretation office at the European Commission in Brussels. (14/01/2010)

Launch of the 2010 Training Programme on EU Affairs

Date: All year long
Place: College of Europe Bruges Campus & Brussels, Belgium
Our 2010 professional training courses on EU affairs are now open for registration. Special discounts are available for early birds, groups of participants and College of Europe alumni.
More information(04/01/2010)


Advanced Training Programme: ‘EU Telecommunication Policy and Media Harmonisation Process of Turkey’

Date: 14-17 December 2009
Place: Istanbul, Turkey
The Development Office in cooperation with Kadir Has University will organise this three-day EU focused session for experts from top-level telecommunications companies. (10/12/2009)

LDP Joint Activity: ‘National Identities, Minority Rights and EU Integration’

Date: 4 December 2009
Place: Skopje, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Participants from six participating countries of the 2009/2010 Southeast Europea and the EU - Leadership Development Programme (LDP) will organise a one-day event on minority issues. LDP is organised jointly by the Development Office of the College of Europe, the European Fund for the Balkans and the Transfuse Association.
More information(1/12/2009)
(download Article)


Europe Direct Specific Training Seminar

Date: 18-19 November 2009
Place: Brussels, Belgium
This year’s last training seminar for the Europe Direct Network will tackle ‘The EU's challenges ahead for 2010’. Around 100 Team Europe members and experts from EU institutions and organisations are expected. The seminar is part of the services offered by the Development Office under a framework contract for the European Commission, DG Communication. More information(16/11/2009)

EU Negotiations in Practice

Date: 23-27 November 2009
Place: Bruges & Brussels
Participants of this five-day seminar learn how to negotiate strategically and effectively in the evolving legal and political structure of the EU. More information(16/11/2009)


The 39th Collegium now available

The autumn edition of the academic journal titled ‘Transfers of Persons in Situations of Armed Conflict’ is a compact summary of the 2008 Colloquium on International Humanitarian Law by the International Committee of the Red Cross. Collegium is published by the Delegation of the ICRC in Brussels and has been edited by the Development Office. 
Download Collegium

10th Bruges Colloquium on International Human Rights Law (IHL)

Date: 22-23 October 2009
Place: Bruges, Belgium
‘Armed Conflicts and Parties to Armed conflicts under IHL: Confronting Legal Categories to Contemporary Realities’ is the title of this year’s Bruges Colloquium. The organisers are the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Development Office of the College of Europe. Participation is by invitation only. (19/10/2009)

Europe Direct Annual General Meeting II

Date: 14-16 October 2009
Place: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The Development Office is organising an Annual General Meeting for the members of the Europe Direct Network. Some 200 participants from all over Europe will discuss ‘The EU’s Economic and Social Recovery’ and exchange best practices. The event is part of the services offered by the Development Office under a framework contract for the European Commission, DG Communication. More information(06/10/2009)


New Acting Director for Development Office

Mr Jan De Mondt has been made Acting Director of the Development Office. He will take on this task in addition to his usual function of Director of Administration, Personnel and Finance of the College of Europe. (29/09/2009)

Europe Direct Annual General Meeting I

Date: 23-25 September 2009
Place: Tallinn, Estonia
The Development Office is organising an Annual General Meeting for the members of the European Europe Direct Network titled ‘A Citizens’ Europe’. More than 200 participants from all over Europe are expected. The event is part of the services offered by the Development Office under a framework contract for the European Commission, DG Communication.More information(28/09/2009)


Marc Vuijlsteke Im Memoriam

In memoriam of Marc Vuijlsteke

Announcement of Funeral [EN] [FR] [NL]
The Development Office of the College of Europe has the profound regret to inform you that Dr Marc Vuijlsteke, our Director General, passed away on 11 July 2009.

He was sociable and kind in nature. Contacts with people from all over the world and building partnerships for future projects were a source of energy that kept Marc going long after the start of his recurring fights with cancer.

His stamina had become a trademark. Together with an undiluted lust for life, flair, fantastic optimism and openness to the world, it set the tone for the atmosphere here at the Office. Keen to explore every spark of a new idea, new plans and initiatives, he had a talent for gathering motivated people around him, in order to continuously aim and reach further.

In the different positions he took up at the College of Europe; in the library, in student selection committees and at the head of the Development Office which he established, he was a man of reputation. Above all he was a warm friend to many. (13/07/2009)
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